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Parish Council meetings take place on the second Wednesday of every other month except August. All meetings take place at 7pm in Honingham Village Hall. The village hall can be found off The Street, Honingham, NR9 5AP. The entrance is signposted opposite the Honingham Buck pub.

The Annual Parish Meeting takes place once a year between 1 March and 1 June and is an opportunity for the Council to summarise the previous year and present any reports, to hear speakers and updates from local organisations. This is usually a less informal meeting and is often combined with the Annual Meeting of the Village Hall Committee.

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is held in May every year and the first item of business will always be the election of the Chair for the coming year.


2024 Meetings

Wednesday 13th November - 

Wednesday 11th September - 

Wednesday 10th July - Agenda | Meeting Minutes 29th May | Bank Reconciliation May 24 | Bank Reconciliation June 24

Wednesday 29th May - Annual Parish Council Meeting Agenda | Meeting Minutes 17th April 2024 | Internal Audit Report 2023-24 | Bank Reconciliation April 24 | Annual Parish Meeting Agenda |

17th April - Please note meeting starts at 6:30pm | Agenda | Meeting Minutes 14th February | February 24 Bank Reconciliation | March 24 Bank Reconciliation

13th March - Meeting cancelled

14th February - Agenda | Meeting Minutes 10th January 24 | January 24 Bank Reconciliation

10th January - Agenda | Meeting Minutes 13th December 23 | December 23 Bank ReconciliationReserves Policy | Draft Budget 2024 - 25 | Precept Options 24-25

2023 Meetings

13th December - Agenda | Meeting Minutes 8th November | November Bank Reconciliation | Draft Biodiversity Policy | Biodiversity Action Plan - example

8th November - Agenda | Meeting Minutes 11th October | October Bank Reconciliation |

11th October - Agenda | Meeting Minutes 13th September | September Bank Reconciliation

13th September - Agenda | Meeting Minutes 12th July | Play Area Survey results - visual | Play Area survey results commentary | July Bank Reconciliation | August Bank Reconciliation | Financial Regulations

12th July - Agenda | Meeting Minutes 14th June | Annual Play Equipment Inspection | May Bank Reconciliation | June Bank Reconciliation |

14th June - Annual Parish Meeting Agenda | Annual Parish Council Meeting Agenda | Meeting Minutes 3rd May 2023 | LGA Code of Conduct | Internal Audit Report 22-23 |

3rd May - Agenda | Meeting Minutes 12th April Bank Reconciliation April 23

12th April - Agenda | Meeting Minutes 8 Mar | Bank Reconciliation Mar 23 |

8th March -  Agenda Meeting Minutes 8 Feb
8th February - AgendaMeeting Minutes 11 Jan

11th January - AgendaMeeting Minutes 9 Nov 


2022 Meetings

Wed 14 December | Agenda | Meeting Minutes | Bank Reconciliation|

9 November Parish Council Meeting Agenda

October Parish Council Meeting Draft Minutes

September Parish Council Meeting Minutes

July Parish Council Meeting Agenda​

June Parish Council Meeting Draft Minutes

May Annual Parish Meeting Minutes

May Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes

April Parish Council Meeting Minutes

​March Parish Council Meeting Minutes

February Parish Council Meeting Minutes

2021 Meetings​


December Parish Council Meeting Minutes

November Parish Council Meeting Minutes

October Parish Council Meeting Minutes


Agendas will be published on the Friday before a Wednesday meeting on both the website and the village noticeboards. Draft minutes will be published on the website usually within 2 weeks of the meeting. The final version of the minutes are published once they have been approved at the next council meeting.

Full details of planning applications under consideration can be viewed via the South Norfolk and Broadland District Council website by entering the application number.

Parish Council Meeting Setup in Village Hall

Copies of older minutes are available from the Clerk upon request.

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