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We are recruiting for a Parish Clerk with the position becoming available from July 1st 2024.

The position is flexible and home based for 6 hours per week with attendance at bi-monthly meetings.


Salary is within the scale SCP 13-17 depending on qualifications and experience.

A copy of the job description can be accessed here.

Please contact the clerk, Fiona Johnston, for further information via email,

Sheringham Shoal Extension Project and Dudgeon Extension Offshore Wind Farms Project  

Notification of material change application  

Regulation 7 Infrastructure Planning (Compulsory Acquisition) Regulations 2010

On behalf of the partnership companies, Scira Extension Limited and Dudgeon Extension Limited, Equinor New Energy Limited ("ENEL") ("the Applicant") intends to develop two offshore wind farms known as the Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm Extension Project ("SEP") and the Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm Extension Project ("DEP").  


The Applicant’s application for a Development Consent Order for SEP and DEP was accepted for examination by the Planning Inspectorate (“PINS”) on 3rd October 2022. The DCO application contains full details of SEP and DEP and was accompanied by an Environmental Statement in accordance with the Planning Act 2008 and the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. The full suite of application documents can be found on the project website:  


The Applicant’s material change request  

The onshore cable corridor for SEP and DEP passes through a development site known as the Food Enterprise Park (“FEP”). FEP comprises a 100-acre development site. The site is being developed in phases and FEP are currently seeking to progress the development of Phase 2 by way of a Local Development Order (“LDO”).  


Through discussions with affected parties after submission of the DCO application and representations made during the SEP and DEP DCO examination, the Applicant has identified a potential conflict between the SEP and DEP development and Phase 2 of the FEP development. In order to mitigate the impact of SEP and DEP on the FEP development and as much as possible enable both developments to co-exist, the Applicant has proposed changes to the cable corridor as it passes through and adjacent to the FEP Phase 2 site. The Applicant proposes to do this through its material change application to the Planning Inspectorate, which was submitted on 11 April 2023. 

The change request will give the Applicant greater flexibility to microsite its cable route within the FEP Phase 2 site, thus minimising impacts on that development.  


Notification of the proposed changes 
We enclose a notice setting out details of the Applicant’s material change request by way of service upon you in accordance with Regulation 7 of the Infrastructure Planning (Compulsory Acquisition) Regulations 2010 (“CA Regulations”). Affected landowners and those with an interest in the land are also being consulted as part of this process.  


You are able to make representations on the change request from 20 April 2023 to 26 May 2023.  

Copies of documents to support the material change application  

A copy of the change request, updated Land Plans showing the land affected, the revised draft DCO, an updated Book of Reference, an updated Statement of Reasons, an Addendum to the Funding Statement and further information relating to the change request, including a copy of the Supplementary Environmental Information supporting the change request, can be viewed and downloaded, free of charge, from the documents tab at the Planning Inspectorate’s project website:     


and in the ‘DCO Application Documents’ section of the Applicant’s website:  


A USB device containing the material change application documents can be provided free of charge upon request. Hard copies are available on request (some of which may incur a charge). Details of how to request these documents and any related charges are set out in the enclosed notice.  


How to respond to this notification 

Representations in relation to Compulsory Acquisition  

Any person may submit a representation on the change request - including giving notice of any interest in the land affected by it, or making any comment on or objection to the change request - during the representation period, which must be made directly to the Planning. Any representations (giving notice of any interest in the affected land, or objection to the change request) must be made on the Planning Inspectorate’s Registration and Relevant Representation Form. The Registration and Relevant Representation Form can be accessed and completed on the relevant page for the Application on the following website:   


If you would like to request a hard copy of the Planning Inspectorate’s Registration and Relevant Representation Form, please telephone 0303 444 5000. Completed forms should be sent to: The Planning Inspectorate, National Infrastructure Directorate, Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN.  


The Planning Inspectorate reference for the Application (EN010109) should be quoted in any correspondence.   



All representations must be received by the Planning Inspectorate no later than midday on 26 May 2023.  

Further information 
If you would like further information about this letter, the consultation or SEP and DEP, please contact the project team by using one of the contact methods provided below:  


Phone: 08081 963 673  


We look forward to hearing from you.  

Parish Pump Newsletter

The Parish Pump newsletter is a joint newsletter for the parishes of Honingham and East Tuddenham.


It includes local news, church services, Village Hall events and other useful local information.  It is funded by both Parish Councils and advertising.

The newsletter is produced monthly and delivered to your house, with a PDF version and website also available: 

News relating to the villages of East Tuddenham, Honingham and the surrounding areas are always welcome and will be included subject to space.

For further information on either including information in the Parish Pump or if you would like to receive the Parish Pump please contact the Editor:

Tom Bland

07721 061866

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