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Enquiries and Bookings For all enquiries and bookings please contact Susan Grant on 01603 881536​

Hall Hire Charges

Please note if alcohol is to be sold, or included in the cost of food/admission a licence is required. This must be organised by the hirer.

For parishioners the hall can be hired at a reduced cost. Confirmation of the reduced fee will be confirmed when booking. If you are unsure if you are eligible please contact Susan Grant on 01603 881536.

Honingham Village Hall

The Street




Village Hall Committee

Honingham Village Hall is run by the Village Hall Management Committee.

The current committee members are:


Ray Grant

Vice Chair

Brian Winchester

MInute Secretary & Bellfolk Representative

Sally Blyth

Bookings and Enquiries

Susan Grant


Christine Harrison

Parish Council Representative

Stacey Bertram

Table Tennis Club Representative

Simon Walpole

Committee Member

Theresa Skipper

Committee Member

Grahame Cullender

The Hall Management Committee is seeking new committee members to help in running the village hall with the aim to provide a facility for all to use. 

If you are interested in joining the committee please contact Ray Grant;

01603 881536

Honingham Village Hall
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